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Wednesday 9 December 2015

Circle - The Diary of Stella Moore (Peter Dudgeon)

 Product Details

Circle – The Diary of Stella Moore (Peter Dudgeon)

First of all my extreme thanks and gratitude go to the author Peter Dudgeon for letting me read an advance copy of this kindle edition.  I was lucky enough to read the first book in this series Chance and you can read my review here http://beveaves.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/chance-peter-dudgeon.html

Circle – The Diary of Stella Moore is the follow up to Chance and picks up the story approximately 7 years later.  For those that have read the first book this book continues with Cassie, who is living with Laura at presently but still experiencing those “visions”.   Cassie is now in her teens and has a new life with Laura.  They are trying to put the past behind them, trying their best to move on and start again.

Just as you get to understand some of what has happened in the past (for those that haven’t read Chance), you are then introduced to diary entries from a girl called Stella Moore. 

Who is Stella Moore? 
What is the connection between the diary entries and the story?
What is happening to Stella Moore?  

Detective Sargent Frank  Simmons who was in the last book, plays a major part in this one and enlists Cassie’s help with a case he is working on privately after being suspended from the police force.  The case is trying to figure out why Annie Mendoza mysteriously disappeared.

We are then as the book progresses introduced into the world of sado masochism, the horrible   world of domestic abuse, the way things are viewed by people on the internet who seem to thrive on seeing pictures of abuse.  This is however done in such a way that you are left wanting to read just one more page to see if you can suss out what is happening or what will happen. 

Circle is a darker more mysterious book than Chance was.  Peter has put a lot of thought and research into this book and I have to say that his writing skills and knowledge of the subject through research alone is impeccable and one he should be proud of.    

I would personally recommend that you read Chance before reading Circle as it will give you a better insight into the world of Cassie Janus and help you understand the hidden gift that she has that can help people. 

I am lucky to know another blogger who has also read this book and was lucky enough to get an interview with the author.  Her blog page is called The Haphazardous Hippo and she has kindly agreed to me inserting her link to her review and interview for you lucky readers.  Pop across and have a look and check out some of her other books she has reviewed.  (You will be in for a treat, there are some fab books on there, and some that I have even added to my own wish list).  Her link is http://thehaphazardoushippo.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/review-and-q-circle-diary-of-stella.html