Tuesday 7 February 2017

Savage to Savvy - Kate Rigby

Savage to Savvy

Savage To Savvy by [Rigby, Kate]

It’s taken me a while to write this review and not due to not liking the story, more because I didn’t know how to word my thoughts.
The story is centred around a girl called Nicki, a young girl who has been taken to a place called The Laurels following being found being reared by dogs.  There are vivid descriptions of the way Nicki behaves where you can imagine watching this child scrabbling around on all fours like a dog, sniffing things including people to see if she recognises them by their scent, and even the way she would shake water off herself was described exactly how you know a dog would do these things.    
We are given an insight as to how treatment is progressing whilst in The Laurels and Nicki is assigned to a young psychologist call Heidi (fresh from qualifying) who after spending various amounts of time with Nicki realises that how she was raised is not quite as it was initial indicated or explained to her.   This in turn makes Heidi want to investigate further and those chapters set around that period had me reading with a passion wanting to know what happened next, wanting her to uncover something but at the same time not to undercover anything, for fear of what the repercussions might be.

I however found myself confused when reading parts of this book due to some of the chapters (to me) jumping from one setting to another and I was unsure as to why.  I found parts of it difficult to understand where it was going.
All in all I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading future books by this author , already having one on my kindle for when I’m ready.    
My thanks go to the author for providing me a copy of her book to read and review.

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